Wolf River Trout Unlimted

Welcome to Wisconsin's First Trout Unlimited Chapter


Our Mission Statement:

Conserving, protecting and restoring the Wolf River’s cold water fishery and its watershed.

TU accomplishes this mission on local, state and national levels with an extensive and dedicated volunteer network. TU’s national office, based just outside of Washington, D.C., and its regional offices employ professionals who testify before Congress, publish a quarterly magazine, intervene in federal legal proceedings, and work with the organization’s 125,000 volunteers in 500 chapters nationwide to keep them active and involved in conservation issues. Learn More About TU National.

Wolf River Chapter 050                                                                                                                                           


President: Jon Graverson  wolfrivertroutunlimited@outlook.com 

Vice President: Andy Killoren  akilloren@centurytel.net

Treasurer: Bill Livingston  wolfriverfish@gmail.com

Secretary: Diane Pence  ddkbpence@yahoo.com

Board Members

Clayton Bahrke

Tim Waters

John Carbonari

Dick Pence

Nathan Schmidt

2025_02_February_TU WR Nelson Ham.pdf
WRHAutumn2023 .pdf

 Wolf River Hatches sketched by Cap Buettner.
Prints available (pictured above) for $20. For more details or to order your print, email akilloren@centurytel.net. 

2022 Liability Waiver.pdf
WRHAutumn2023 .pdf